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S3 licensed
Well, that's a step in the right direction.
Now I see a huge new error, which I suspect has something to do with rights on the filesystem.
I have no experience in dealing with IIS, so I need to find out, how to give the directories you mentioned in the readme, the correct rights.
Requested file
S3 licensed
Quote from avetere :Could you send me (PM):
- a link
- a copy of the event_definitions.txt
- the naming/path of one of the replays

Here's the requested file.
S3 licensed
Hello, I have downloaded and installed the script, according to the instructions in the readme file. The webpage is available, but no data is generated, while I think I have set the replay files in the correct place and with the correct name.
Any help would be appreciated.
S3 licensed
Pitboard - V2.09b (information screen about split times, gaps in front and behind you, ect)

Just a bugfix to get rid of the error in line 290, when driving on a open config track.
S3 licensed
The code I supplied, can't be used in any place and not without filling in some details your self.
You could make a construction using the scheduler within Lapper, to check that piece of code every X seconds, or start it from a particular event, make it go to a sub event, wait a while and then go back to the speed check.
But all of this do need some knowledge about how Lapper should be coded.
S3 licensed
Quote from elpopu :You could do so that the user is ban the user by 999 days when exceeding 200km / h?



Sure, you can do a check:

IF (GetCurrentPlayerVar( "InstantSpeed" ) > 200)
(do something)

S3 licensed
No, you can't increase the performance of Lapper.
I don't know what script you have, but even when my servers are full, Lapper never gave a performance problem.
So maybe loops are giving you troubles?
S3 licensed
Wasn't the $Currply not something from older versions of Lapper and then abandonned at some point? You might be able to find that in the changelog.
S3 licensed
Just doing this out of my head, so might not work that way when actualy coding it. First you need to set a Playervalue when someone crosses a split. So when split 1 is crossed, the player has entered sector 2, etc.
When the Event is called to show the yellow flag, run a loop through all current connections and while doing that, do a check if the sector the player is currently in, does or doesn't need to show that flag. I think this is relatively straight forward.
S3 licensed
LFS crashes because of a problem with the ForceFeedback driver.
Only Scawen would be able to tell if the problem is with LFS.
You could try to re-install the driver for your wheel (check if a newer one is available at the website of the manufacturer).
S3 licensed
Wow, nice idea and some great screenshots.
S3 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :So GTA and CS:GO is for the unintelligent people? And you are part of a LFS master-race? Ironically, that's the stupidest thing I've read on this forum (and there's been a lot of stupid posts). It's just not your cup of tea, just like some people don't like simulations like LFS or AC. Calling people stupid for liking different games than you is insanely arrogant.

And by the way, I was hooked on LFS for a long time, all I could think about in school was LFS.. Like how I'm going to be playing it when I get home. And yes when I got cut off from it I was not happy. Doesn't matter what game, you can still get hooked on it.

Don't worry about, his only purpose of being here is to annoy and insult people.
Sad to see people like that around here, but I guess it's common now and happens on every online forum lately.
S3 licensed
Hi, I made the follow piece of code a long time (2009) ago, so I guess that was for the then current version of Lapper.
But it might still work (sorry, not in the mood to go and try it) or you might be able to get it to work:

Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $countdown_hours;
GlobalVar $countdown_minutes;
RegisterScheduleAction( "0 * * * * * *", Count_down );

Sub Count_down()
IF ($countdown_minutes == -1)

IF ($countdown_hours < 10)

IF ($countdown_minutes < 10)

cmdlfs ("/msg ^7Timer: " . $countdown_hours_display . ":" . $countdown_minutes_display);

S3 licensed
I think it kicks in as soon as the first car passes the first split.
While testing the code last night, nothing happened, until I finaly drove over the first split of Blackwood.
S3 licensed
If you have a pc or server with LFS DCon running on, you can also put Lapper on it and let it run 24/7.
Nothing special has to be done for that.
Set it up, start it and leave it running.
That's how my server are done as well.
Last edited by Yisc[NL], .
S3 licensed
The code below does work.
Since !test is already used for something else, that might have caused your problem or the use of quotes, which isn't needed when using SetConfigVar.

CASE "!idle":
SetConfigVar( OnIdleTimeout1, 10);
SetConfigVar( OnIdleTimeout2, 20);
privMsg( "(DEBUG) OnIdleTimeout1: " . GetConfigVar ("OnIdleTimeout1"));
privMsg( "(DEBUG) OnIdleTimeout2: " . GetConfigVar("OnIdleTimeout2"));

S3 licensed
If you know how to program, PRISM isn't hard.
So the main reason I struggle with it, is just because I don't know enough about programming.
Yeah, within Lapper I can find my way, but that's mainly buttons and storing/retrieving values etc.
I can code simple PHP-scipts used on websites, but PRISM is too complicated for me and it's lacking useful explanations and documented examples.
Last edited by Yisc[NL], .
S3 licensed
PRISM is way too complicated for most people.
Not that it shouldn't be included, but only very few can really use it.
Tried it myself recently and while I can do a lot with Lapper, I am totaly lost with PRISM.
S3 licensed
IP address is enough to connect to it using RDP.
But then you also need a login and password to logon to the actual server.
I don't know how these official LFS servers work, so it might not be possible to control them like a normal server.
That's why rents a VPS at a hosting company, so you have all the control over the machine.
S3 licensed
But I guess you can connect to that server using RDP and if so, it would be easy to install Lapper on it.
Since Lapper doesn't require a regular installation, only unpacking the ZIP file, changing some values in the config files and start the executable.
S3 licensed
Download Lapper and install it your self maybe?
Or don't you have access to such server using RDP and/or right to install anything?
Any LFS server can run Lapper, so the official ones won't be any different.
S3 licensed
Could you explain a little bit more what you are trying to do?
Do you want to measure distance driven and then how fast someone breaks from 160 km/h to 0 km/h?
S3 licensed
LFS Lapper is a program that uses the insim protocol to communicate with LFS.
Since all major communication with LFS is handled by Lapper, you only need to worry about creating buttons, store/retrieve values, etc to be done on certain events.
I have written a lot of scripts for Lapper (see Yisc's code release, and only ran into a few things which aren't doable with Lapper or aren't working as the are supposed to work.
S3 licensed
Then you haven't entered the correct login and password.
You need to enter the name and password you used when you bought the game.
S3 licensed
Go to the unlock screen and enter your LFS account information (login and password) and it will unlock S2 on your pc.
You will have a maximum of 2 unlocks on your account and will get a new one every friday, in case the maximum of 2 isn't reached yet.